Tapping into your innate healing power and natural balance is the key to Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is fundamentally holistic in its approach. The fundamental premise is that all parts of the body are connected. Though focus on the entire patient, Chinese Medicine searches to uncover the fundamental underlying cause(s) of a patient’s illness.
Crops cannot thrive in rocky soil even with the best organic fertilizers. Optimum health cannot be restored if there exist pathogenic blockages in the body’s systems, even if you eat the best quality food.
If you rid a garden of weeds without pulling out their roots, the weeds will return. If you remove only symptoms without treating their causes, the symptoms will recur.
At the core of the practice is the identification of each individual’s unique constitutional type, rooted in the ancient Chinese classical treatises, I Ching and Nei Jing. This holistic approach aims to understand a person’s inherent characteristics and health tendencies. By recognizing these constitutional types, treatment can be personalized to harmonize the body’s natural balance and promote well-being.
The treatment is further refined through traditional diagnostic methods such as pulse and tongue diagnosis, which offer insight into the body’s internal conditions. These findings are then confirmed through a Digital Meridian Screening Test, ensuring an accurate understanding of the individual’s health. This approach allows for a tailored treatment plan that aligns with what the body is communicating.
To restore balance and enhance health, a variety of therapeutic techniques are employed. These include acupuncture, cupping, Gua Sha, Tui Na/acupressure, herbal medicine, reflexology therapy, and thermal therapies such as moxabustion and far infrared ray therapy. Additionally, coaching on healthy lifestyle practices, self-healing techniques like Qi Gong exercises, meditation, nutrition, and self or partner massage is provided, empowering individuals to follow the cycles of Nature and take charge of their own healing journey.
We're here to support you, so feel free to reach out—our team is ready to provide the guidance you need to start your wellness journey with confidence.
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